


domingo, 4 de agosto de 2019

Palestra e o workshop da Profa. Elena Theodoropoulou, da University of Aegean

O NuFFC convida para a palestra e o workshop da Profa. Elena Theodoropoulou , da University of Aegean

No IFCS, Sala Celso Lemos (308)
Largo São Francisco de Paula, Centro, Rio de Janeiro

Dia 30 de agosto, 14h - Conferência: Ways of making philosophy - about practical philosophy

Dias 03 e 05 de setembro, 17h - Workshop: "Philosophical objects" & “SomaBody" projects

As atividades são gratuitas e terão tradução consecutiva.
Inscrições para o Workshop pelo email: coloquionuffc2017@gmail.com
Os certificados de participação serão distribuidos ao término das atividades.

NuFFC-CNPq-UFRJ (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Filosofia Francesa Contemporânea)

Elena Theodoropoulou, Phd professor of Philosophy of Education & Practical Philosophy, in the University of the Aegean, conceiver & directress of  the “Laboratory of  Research on Practical  Philosophy” (L.R.P.A.Ph.), establisher & president of the International Biennale of Practical Philosophy

Conference, 30 de agosto
"Ways of making philosophy - about practical philosophy"

Philosophy, in a Lefebvrian point of view, should be ready to overcome, realize, even more deny itself, not theoretically, but in concreto: this denial is needed to be done through the practical energy,  punctuated by the radical critique in its relation with the practical will. This energy exactly is a transformed thought – more significantly, is philosophy itself which is transformed just through its wide openness «on the contexts and as well as below and beyond texts […]» (Lefebvre, 1985, Qu’est-ce que penser). In fact, stucked between lived experience and disincarnated discourses, philosophy  finds itself in an incessant and intensive, recalcitrant and obstinate movement of attraction-repulsion vis-à-vis the possibility of congruence between theory and practice. Posing this question incessantly, questionning congruence, living philosophy as intensity, is a threshold to practical philosophy

Workshops, 03, 04 e 05 de setembro *
"Philosophical objects" & "SomaBody" (  )

The "Philosophical objects"  & the "SomaBody" (  ) projects try to understand if & how philosophy can appear in different ways other than through its established recognitions. And in this sense, these two projects can be examples of practical philosophy. Philosophical objects" are related to the organization of an expository event by the students  presenting  their ideas/works regarding the creation/construction/invention of new objects or the selection or the transformation of already existing objects, which will be defined/highlighted/questioned as “philosophical objects”. Moreover it concerns a pedagogic-initiatory/research plan, with ultimate aim a certain awareness of the participants of recognizing and defining the philosophical element.  Neither the aim of the exposition of “objects” prejudices nor the final exposition of objects validates an affirmative outlook on the initial queries. In the SomaBOdy project a  group of students is invited to perform by reacting and to be mobilized in relation to an initial conceptual scenario, which, through the way and rhythm of body reactions and movements taking place/emerging in the manner of dialogue/encounter, evolves and is modified till the last moment. The improvisational element exists also in the final presentation, which is  formed as a rehearsal among others, a part of a continued process connecting (dia)logos, voice, silence and gesture.

• Inscrições para o Workshop pelo email: coloquionuffc2017@gmail.com

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